Weekly Program: If you wish to receive the weekly program agenda by e-mail, please contact Al Smuzynski. If you wish to be deleted from the weekly program distribution, Al will also oblige. Agendas are posted on the Forum Website along with other topics that may be of interest to members. (E.g., see the Navigation drop down menu above and select Program Topics for the program agendas.) If you have an article link on a topic you wish to post, a portfolio, or other research of benefit to our members, please contact Jim Coile. Copyrighted material may not be posted on the website without the permission of the copyright owner. We suggest web links to such material - please provide the appropriate URL (i.e. - the web page address.)In addition to using the direct web address shown above, you may navigate from the OLLI website ( olli.gmu.edu ). Select "Clubs/Groups" at the top right of the OLLI home page. Then select "Inve$tment Forum" from the menu. |